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Singles Event - The Moment June 15th 7pm to 10pm Noah's Event Venue Plano, TX

Flirt With Me (FWM)

Our signature service Flirt With Me (FWM) takes the pressure off of you expressing to him/her you are interested in staying connected after the singles event. FWM helps remove being nervous, asking for a phone number, awkward moments of not knowing what to say, or missed opportunities to exchange contact information.

During the social event for singles,  complete our electronic FWM card type the name of 1 person who sparks your interest. You can type a personal message and/or select one of our listed conversation starters, type your contact information, and submit your form electronically.


Flirt With Me Service Level Options:

Flirt With Me Standard Includes:

-Access to complete the Flirt With Me form.

-Email your first name, phone number, email address, and your message within 48 hours of purchase to your person of interest.

-Alise LLC staff will contact the person of interest, alerting him/her that a Flirt With Me message was sent to him/her.

-Confirmation that the person of interest received your info.

-Once confirmation is verified, the person who purchased the service will receive notification the Flirt With Me service is complete  

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Flirt With Me Express Includes:

-Access to complete the Flirt With Me form.

-Email your first name, phone number, email address, and your message within 24 hours of purchase to your person of interest.

-Alise LLC staff will contact the person of interest, alerting him/her a Flirt With Me message was sent to him/her.

-Confirmation the person of interest received your info.

-Once confirmation is verified, the person who purchased the service will receive notification that the Flirt With Me service is complete. 

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Flirt With Me Expedited level service Includes:

-Only one expedited addon is available per event.

-Access to complete the Flirt With Me form.

-Your first name, phone number, email address, and your message are provided to your person of interest before leaving the event.

-Alert the person who purchased the service Flirt With Me message has been successfully provided to the person of interest. 

-Follow up with the person of interest who received your info. within 12 hours.

-The person who purchased the service will receive a notification the Flirt With Me service is complete 

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Once you have paid for the Flirt With Me service, you will receive an email with a passcode and link to complete the Flirt With Me Form. 

Did you see someone that sparks your interest at an event? Let us take the pressure off of you. Flirt Now.
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